New Year SMS For Family

It is the time for fun and party To welcome a New Year for success
It is the occasion for warm up relations By visiting our friends and relative,
It is chance to give gifts and presents To enjoy the pleasure of gifts
Happy new year and seasons wishes
As The New Year Approaches, Promise
Yourself That You Will Make Positive
Changes In Your Life. Write It
On Your Heart That Everyday Is
Going To Be A Special Day In The
Year. Cheers To The New Year Ahead!
Beginning a New Year with a good guide on our side, the star of Jesus,
which shows us safe roads, fills our hearts with his grace.
Best Wishes for the New ear 2021.
Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment
and repentance that demands personal honesty and ultimately, reinforces humility.
Breaking them is part of the cycle.
Happy New Year 2021
I promise to never leave you alone,
I promise to share my whole life with you,
I promise to love you as best as I can,
I promise to walk with you till the end of life.
These are my New Year resolutions.
Happy New Year 2021
New year is the festival where Millions of celebration
and resolution Will take place with good hope and spirit With the hopes for a better future,
success and victory I am wishing you a New Year that fulfils your dream Happy
and Prosperous New Year 2021
By the moon,
I sit to seek your glory,
the white roses I see creates a new story.
Seasons are many, their reasons few.
What remains is that I will always love you.
Happy New Year 2021
On this great day or fresh beginnings,
I would like to wish those I love most,
A prosperous new year and the best of luck,
You never know what lies ahead my son,
So count your gifts and blessings,
And make this year one for the books.
Happy New Year.
Your life is your own,
So do what makes you unique,
Follow your chosen path,
And let your soul leak,
Into the lives of others,
Whether they are strong or weak,
This new year is for you as well,
So let you scent reek.
Happy New Year.